It's that time of year again. This is my FAVORITE holiday of them all. I usually do scary..but I have to always make a few "funky" pumpkins also.


Black Sharpie/Marker
Paper Towels
Paint Eyes |
Paint eyes using the white paint. Use circles and can place them close together or further apart.
Paint Nose |
Paint the nose using different color paints. You can paint any shape you like here. Be creative.
Paint Eye Color |
Give you pumpkin some colored eyes. Place them on the placement will give your pumpkin a different
Add Black Eyeball |
Next paint the black part of the eyeball.
Let's move onto the mouth. I usually draw a very wavy line, then I go
over that line with up and down lines over that line. I hope you
understand. But you can do any kind of mouth you want. Then I add the
teeth and paint them white.
Back to the eyes now...while the teeth dry. I add some white
circles..I also drag the white paint using the other end of the paint
brush to add some sparkles to their eyes.
Then I want to give them some
color in their cheeks. So I use a piece of paper towel and rub some
pink paint into the pumpkin. This gives a more muted look. I will
outline this area when I start to doodle.
Now I place a fan on them and let them dry really good..because next is the doodling step...MY FAVORITE PART!!!
OK, the FUN STEP!!! I use a black sharpie and outline everything I
painted. I use dots and dashes and hash lines to do this. There are no
rules, and don't be to perfect...just have fun with it. Add dots to
areas that look empty. I also outline their cheeks doing this. Add some eyelashes and eyebrows as you see fit. After it
is all dry, I do give it a clear coat over the whole face. Now if anyone
does this..please post pics..I wanna see.
Happy Halloween!!!